Nourishing Hope Now

Improving diet and nutrition helps children and families, and now is the perfect time for you to begin nourishing hope. This is my life's work and I'm here to help you with the best I've got from 18 years experience. I've done the science and I've seen the results, that's why I know the power is in your hands.

Explore the Deep Discount on Summit Access and my tried and true learning tools.

Julie Matthews, CNC

70% Savings
on the
when you get it now!
Special Pricing is Available for Limited Time
3-payment plan available to make these tools affordable for as many families as possible.

Get unlimited Summit Access
and to be most Effective and Get Faster Results with your child,
take advantage of the reduced pricing and our bundled Hope-in-Action Toolkit.

35 Nutrition an Pediatric Expert Videos

Watch on any device: desktop, laptop, ipad, iphone, android, etc. Unlimited replay of all expert interviews. 

35 Easy-to-Read Professional Summaries

Listen without pressure. The Summit Access Package includes our "professional summaries," which is like having your own personal notetaker. 

MP3 Audios

Take the experts with you anywhere! No need for an internet connection to listen. Save, play, archive & learn at your own pace.

With most of us at home and focused on optimizing health and wellness, there is no better time to learn about and make helpful nutritional changes.

You can have the right tools and be able to implement and track changes in mood and behavior at a time when many families are homeschooling.

“Julie’s books, resources, and tools made it so easy to support my child with his specific nutritional needs. My child is considered recovered from autism and dietary intervention was a foundational part of that. These are tools every family needs on this journey.”

Divider Text
Terri Hirning
Get Unlimited Access to all Expert Interviews

Julie Matthews, CNC

Food Matters for ADHD and Autism: Nourishing Hope

Martha Herbert, MD

Not Just a Brain Disorder: The Whole Body Approach to Improving Childhood Disorders

James Adams, Ph.D.

The Scientific Evidence Linking Nutrition and Autism Improvement

Liz Lipski, Ph.D.

The Gut-Brain Connection, Nutrition & Digestive Wellness for Children

Ben Lynch, ND

What to Know About Methylation to Help Your Kid

Julie Matthews, CNC

Hidden (Biochemical) Reasons for Picky Eating & Strategies to Breakthrough and Improve Nutrition 

Tom Malterre, MS CS

How to Really Succeed with a Gluten-free and Dairy-free Diet

Katie Kimball

Picky Eating Dynamic and Power of Cooking With Your Kid to Encourage Healthy Eating

Christina Adams

Camel's Milk: It's Nutritional and Healing Properties

Pete Evans

Food is Medicine: Inspiration From a Celebrity Chef 

Barry Smeltzer, PA

Supplements 101: Guidance for Parents  

Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D.

Sulfate: Why this Mineral is Vital for ADHD & Autism and How to Get it 

Erica Peirson, ND

Down Syndrome: How Good Nutrition Can Even Improve this Genetic Condition

William Walsh, PHD and Albert Mensah, MD

Improving Methylation, Brain Chemistry and Customizing Vitamins, Minerals and Amino Acids

David Berger, MD

CBD for Autism and Anxiety 

Trudy Scott, CN

Calming Anxiety, Aggression, and OCD Through Amino Acids & Food

Nicole Beurkins, Ph.D.

Improving Challenging Behaviors Using Strategic Nutrition Approaches

Darin Ingels, ND

Improving ADHD Naturally: Understanding Food Sensitivities and Diet Options

Eric Zielinski

Essential Oils for ADHD and Anxiety

Julie Matthews, CNC

BioIndividual Nutrition for Autism, ADHD, and Anxiety

Susan Owens, Ph.D.

Oxalates, the Inflammasome, and Autoimmunity

Terry Wahls, MD

Wahls Protocol for Children With Special Needs

Dominic D’Agostino, PhD

Is the Ketogenic Diet Right for a Child?

Donna Gates

Body Ecology, Genetics, and Pregnancy Nutrition for a Healthy Child

Kiran Krishnan

Using Probiotics for Gut and Brain Health

Maya Sheatreat, MD

The "Dirt" on the Real Problem That Your Doctor is not Telling You About (Mitochondrial Dysfunction)

Elisa Song, MD

Strengthening Your Child's Immune System and Autism as a Neuroimmune Condition

Kurt Woeller, DO

Integrative Medicine for Autism; 20 Years of Clinical Practice

Dr. Tom O;Bryan

Gluten, the Brain, and Autoimmunity (What You Need To Know)

Jill Carnhan, MD

Histamine, Mold and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome

Dietrich Klinghardt, MD

Understanding Lyme, Infections, Mold, and Heavy Metals

Dr. Roseann Capanna-Hodge and Tom Moorcroft, DO

PANDAS: A Hidden Cause of Anxiety, OCD, Defiance & Rage

Jeffrey Smith

ADHD, Anxiety and Autism's Link to GMO's and Glyphosate

Nicolas Pineault

EMFs: How to Reduce Your Child's Exposure

Tara Hunkin

Terri Hirning

Kristi Wees

Beth Lambert

WATCH Julie's VIDEO Below
to learn how to
Jumpstart your family’s journey
forward with the 

Hope-in-Action Toolkit

Over the last 18 years of supporting special needs families, I've learned how parents struggle with their child’s attention, focus, mood or behavioral issues as a result of food intolerances or reactions. It is often stressful and overwhelming for parents to try and navigate the world of nutrition alone.
That's why I've created the Nourishing-Hope-in-Action Toolkit just for you.

Hope-in-Action Toolkit

Cooking To Heal -

Cookbook & Demomstration Videos

Nourishing Hope for Autism -

Julie's Award Winning Book

Nourishing Hope Food Pyramid

with Charts, Posters & Easy-To-Follow Guide

+ 12 "How-to" Learning Sessions

Following a Gluten-Free & Dairy-free (or any) Diet in Six Easy Steps

Behavior Challenges and Food

Supplements for Children with ASD & more

25 Vegetables a Dozen Kid-Friendly Ways for Picky Eaters

Gut Health: Special diets, foods, and supplements

Nourishing Yourself while Helping Others

Understanding Additives: What's in what you eat

Dietary Pitfalls: Getting Unstuck

Inflammation – How to Reduce

Allergen-free Travel

Allergen-free School Lunches

Food and Mood

Now You Can Avoid The Confusion & Guesswork and Finally Feel Confident Preparing Nourishing Meals Even If Your Child is a Picky Eater.

My Hope-in-Action Toolkit will support you having a calmer, more focused, happier & healthier child from the inside out.

I Stand Behind My Research and Learning Tools
100% Money Back
If you are not satisfied with your summit recordings, bonuses and extras, you can have your money back. 
30 Day Guarantee
Test drive the materials and bonuses for a full 30 days! If it's not right, you can just cancel.
Your Satisfaction Is My Priority
We OBSESS over the satisfaction of the parents and professionals that invest in our programs and learning tools. You love it or you don't pay! 
Special Pricing is Now Available for Limited Time
We’ve even added a 3-payment plan to make these tools affordable for as many families as possible.

Get unlimited Summit Access
and to be most Effective and Get Faster Results with your child,
take advantage of the reduced pricing and our bundled Hope-in-Action Toolkit.

Order Now & Save 70%
And Get The Following Bonuses!

3 "Unaired" Interviews

12 Nutrition Steps to Better Health, Learning, and Behavior eBook

20 Kid Friendly Recipes  eBook

Fundamentals of Autism: How to Effectively Support and Clean Dirty Genes by Dr. Ben Lynch

6 one-hour interviews on anxiety from the Anxiety Summit with Trudy Scott

All 9 Episodes of the Betrayal Docu-series with Dr. Tom O’Bryan

7 Facts you Need to Know about Autism with Dr. Kurt Woeller

Be Souper: 7 Ways to Boost your Health and Energy with Broth with Dr. Kaayla Daniel

5 Mistakes Parents Make When Their Child Has a Fever & what to do instead with Dr. Elisa Song

The 5 Keys to Better Behavior Naturally with Dr. Nicole Beurkens

Access Package

+ Hope-in-Action Tookit

Unlimited Access to all Summit Content....
Julie's Nourishing Hope-in-Action Toolkit

Cooking to Heal Cookbook
4 Hours of Cooking Demonstration Videos 
Nourishing Hope for Autism
Nourishing Hope Food Pyramid and Presentation
TWELVE "How-to"  Learning Sessions with Julie
Unlimited Content Upgrades
$1295   $497

or 3 Payments of $177

Access Package
Unlimited Access to all Summit Content
Video Interviews (permanent  online digital access)
Audio Downloads of all 35 Interviews
Professional Summaries of all 35 Interviews 
11 Special Bonus Items!
Unlimited Content Upgrades
$675   $197

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